The Turkish Civil Directorate has provided the advantage of tracking the stages of obtaining citizenship by real estate investment after applying for it.
First, the investor visits the following link: https://vatan.nvi.gov.tr/moduller/basvuru/basvurudurumbilgi.aspx
The applicant fills in the required information as follows:
In the first box: the personal application number
The second field: the applicant's date of birth
After that, he clicks on search (sorgula), where a window appears that gives the stage number in Turkish, and the messages will have the following meanings:
1- Your file has been registered in the online citizenship system and the procedures will begin
2- Your file has been sent to the General Directorate of Citizenship
3- Receipt of the file by the General Directorate of Citizenship
4- Send the file to search and check the archive
5- The research and audit phase is still ongoing
6- The file will be added to the collective list of candidates
7- The file has been added to the list that will be sent to the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey
8- The file was sent to the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey for signature
9- The result of your citizenship file is under registration in the Turkish Civil Directorate
10- Refer to the Civil Directorate to receive the final result of your file